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Rogers was an agent working for the Office of Defense Intelligence. The US Army's Snake-Eye missile had been upgraded with a new programmable guidance system, but Professor Willis, one of MacGyver's former college professors, had discovered a glitch in the new system. He and some of his students began working with the Defense Department to fix the problem, and Kate Lafferty, a young but brilliant student, in her eagerness, had broken into the Defense Department's computer to find a solution. The Defense Department, embarrassed by the breach of their computer system, wanted to speak with Kate, and Rogers arrived at Kate's home to bring her downtown for questioning.

At the Office of Defense Intelligence, Rogers was also present as Oslow, a senior agent, conducted the questioning. Although no charges had been filed, Oslow threatened that Kate would face conspiracy charges if she didn't cooperate by explaining both how she had gained computer access to the Snake-Eye project and how to correct the flaw in the guidance system. Resentful of being treated like a criminal, Kate only pretended to cooperate by demonstrating how she had broken into the FEDNET system when Rogers provided her with the password "Lippencott." Then, when the agents' backs were turned, Kate accessed the building's environmental and security systems, overriding the computers, elevators, door security, data services, fire alarms, and finally the electrical circuits, and she escaped from the darkened building.

Portrayed by: Rob Paulsen

Cross Reference: Kate Lafferty, Oslow, Snake-Eye Missile

Episode Reference: Ugly Duckling